Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Little Saints at The Lord's Table

Today, we have received three children into Christ’s Church. These children belong to the Lord every bit as much as they belong to their own parents. And, in the Lord, we all have kinship in these children, as well. We have a new little brother and new little sisters. They are part of our community, our communion in the Lord. So, it is fitting that we gather here, with them, to eat and drink of the goodness of the Lord. They cannot yet eat bread or drink wine but, in time, they will grow to be able to eat and drink with us and they will learn of the Lord’s promises and they will trust Him, tasting that the Lord is good.
         So, all of you have an obligation, along with their parents and brothers and sisters, to reveal truth to them, in the way that you live, and speak and even in the way that you eat at this Table. Look upon the bread and the wine and know that God, the Father is doing the same. He sees the blood of Jesus and knows that His people are cleansed from their sins. And through this, He accepts each of you, and Beatrice, and Noah and Charlotte, our newest saints. Agree with the Father. Rejoice in His goodness to you and to the least among us. Walk in this forgiveness and newness and so prove the grace and blessing of the Lord.

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