Wednesday, July 08, 2015

CREC Response to the Obergefell Decision

*CREC Response to the Obergefell Decision*
In light of the Obergefell decision by the United States Supreme Court
yesterday, the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches makes the
following declaration.
All the varied expressions of transgressive sexuality currently being
celebrated in our culture, and now by the highest court in the land, are
out of accord with God’s creational design for human sexuality, and are
therefore sinful in the eyes of God. Whenever men set themselves up
arrogantly to challenge God’s holy standards for sexuality, seeking to
teach contrary to what God has taught us in His Word, they are vainly
attempting something that is not within their authority to accomplish. We
cannot bestow dignity where God has withheld it, and we cannot join
together what God has determined shall remain forever separated.
Because we in the CREC submit to the full and complete authority of
Scripture, we accept our responsibility to reach out in true compassion to
those caught in the snare of such sexual sin. At the same time, we refuse
to accept that false compassion which leaves men and women alone with their
sin, and so we declare that Jesus Christ died and rose, and we plead with
all such to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ so that they might be forgiven,
just as we have been forgiven.
In light of this decision, the CREC calls upon the leaders of these United
States, whether elected or appointed, whether legislative, judicial, or
executive, whether local or national, to repent of this egregious and
arrogant sin of attempting to define reality contrary to how God has
defined it. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, amen.
Douglas Wilson
Presiding Minister, CREC
Cordially in Christ,
*Douglas Wilson*

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